Facebook success case: Pescaria and Brainpull here!
Investing some cash in the social platform and believing in unconventional advertising: this is Brainpull!

Pescaria becomes a Facebook Success Case!
Behind every success story, there is always a lot of commitment and a lot of dedication... Especially someone who really believes in it.
Brainpull did it from the first moment, investing time, energy and "sweat" not to sleep at night or forget how summer feels. The success of Pescaria, teaches that today's generation of young people "the so-called 2.0 generation", busy on their phones and social addicted, know how to create something interesting.
Pescaria's success also teaches how in 2015 you can sell tons, only with a Facebook page, investing in unconventional advertising and going beyond concepts and assumptions of ancestral communicators.
The story of Pescaria, narrated as a Succes Case Facebook, has a lot to say: with desire, study, humility and a lot of patience, you can really build something!